Training of Trainers put on hold
The Training of Trainers (TOT) programme that commenced on 14th March, had to be discontinued abruptly on 21st March 2020 in view of the COVID-19 emergency. The plan is to restart and complete the programme, at the earliest, once the emergency is over. During the final session on 21st March, all the trainees expressed their happiness and satisfaction with the programme.
They presented oil paintings, done by one of the trainees, to Emmanuel Angelo – the Trainer, Ravi Kumar Paul – Managing Trustee of PRISM and G Saraswati – Secretary District Legal Services Authority, Tiruvallur, as tokens of their appreciation. They have made a commitment to study the material provided. With the help of the Prison psychologist, they intend to use their learning for the benefit of the other inmates, until the programme recommences.